Thursday, November 30, 2023
The Trees
Tuesday, November 28, 2023
A maximum score is 260. You get a point for every combination of the last number followed by the first letter after that number in a call sign. So, W7BRS would count for 7B.
Monday, November 27, 2023
CQ WW CW Contest
Tuesday, November 21, 2023
2 Hour Nap
Monday, November 20, 2023
UX5UO sent me another batch of cards I ordered.
Anyway, the package is plastered with Ukrainian postage stamps. I collect stamps.
The package is wonderful. Just look at the variety.
Some of them are under cellophane tape, but many are not. I can float them off and put them into the binder.
I opted to get the WWDXC cards for the Totem Award thing. (If you want one, just let me know).
Just Add Water
- Skills - North of 25 wpm.
- Time - At least 2-3 weeks and $5,000 - and more.
- Networking - Who leads teams, who decides, etc.
- Followership - Can take direction and follow it.
Sunday, November 19, 2023
Stats on H44WA
I've been manually collecting data on the number of QSO from H44WA. I will continue to grab the data manually. I reached out to ClubLog for an API surface to retrieve the Q-count but that is not available.
I ran the data through gnuplot and produce this. Linear regression (y = mx + b) to calculate roughly their trend. I could do curve fit to 3rd ( 4th order ?) maybe, but that would be over-doing it. It's not a day for that much math.
Should answer the 64,000 QSO Question. /hi hi/
Remote Radio
Thursday, November 16, 2023
H44WA and VDA's
My friends on the Solomon Islands operating H44WA are having a good time working the bands.
They have been operating now for about 24 hours (almost) and the Livestream results so far have been impressive.
Nearly 8,000 Q's in the first 24 hours and it's going well it seems.
I admit that what has been on my mind was the operation of 10 meters and 15 meters using the VDA's I put together for them. I had a good feeling that they would work since we tested them on the beach at Golden Gardens in Seattle (just a jaunt north of Shilshole Marina).
Justin, K5EM did a lot of work to optimize the lengths of the sections so that when it was assembled, the SWR was low and the radiation far-field pattern was lobed out in the direction of the Director Element (in the case where the Director was selected by way of jumper wire on the Parasitic Element).
Now that the Team is on H44WA, and I'm watching the spot-clusters I am glad to see reports of "Loud" in the comment section. It has a lot more to do with their power amplifiers than the antenna -- but nonetheless, the telemetry I got back from the Team privately was that the SWR was matched to nearly 1:1 which is great. In the modelling of the antenna the take-off angle was around 10-12 degrees too. These are special antennas - the VDA - and they are made to work near salt-water ground. There are no radials (necessary).
As the Team operates I am also trying to find the chance to work them on the other bands too. I was glad to have them in my log for 12 meters (worked off a VDA made in what we call the "French Design" -- which is a single fiberglass mast with a rhombus shaped wire driven element and parasitic element). That French Design is effectively "steerable" because there is only one mast and the DE/PE are always attached to the single mast.
The other VDA they are using is the 20 meter (Again, of the French Design). The VDA I gave them were for 15 meters and 10 meters -- and those are two element versions so they are not "steerable" -- the Parasitic Element is fixed to the ground as is the Driven Element. But the beam-width of the VDA in that design is at least 90 degrees so all one has to do is point it North from the shore of the beach and they can work easily both Asia and NA/EU fine short path. The hind-quarters of the pattern (VK/ZL and SA are another matter -- I think it will work but it won't have as much gain in the rear quarters).
While they are working on their operation, I'm back at the NEC2 software and optimizing the next generation of VDA that I will be making. Despite the protests I will still try to make the 30 meter version and also a 6 meter version. But the main set consists of 20m through 10m.
I look forward to the Team working 30m and 40m when I can hear them. At the moment, they are working mostly grey-line so I think that when the sun begins to set across NA I should have a shot to work them at the low bands.
Monday, November 13, 2023
That's just perfect
Thursday, November 9, 2023
Sand in my shoes
Saturday, November 4, 2023
Late Nite Antenna Fabrication
120 L Bag
The bag arrived. The 120L waterproof gear bag. The bag that will hopefully not have to be carried by Zodiac from the Ship to the coast of ...
On the very last day the cafe was open, they sold the special donuts -- one had to pre-order them. I got one of the last "Jam Filled...
VK2/W7BRS QSL The QSL Cards have arrived from the printer. You can get a QSL card two ways: By the QSL Manager, M0URX (Highly Recommend...
It has been a busy few months since I hung up my software-spurs. On deck -- DX'pedition for Lord Howe Island Lord Howe Island (July 202...