On deck --
- DX'pedition for Lord Howe IslandLord Howe Island (July 2024)
- Teaching CW and DX'ing at Long Island CW ClubLong Island CW Club I'm teaching a GOTA class for DX on Wednesday at 5:30 pm Eastern.
- Preparing to give a talk at the June meeting for Western Washington DX Club.give a talk at the June meeting for Western Washington DX Club.
- And, a few other plans that I'm not ready to announce yet.
I might be doing consulting work in my main field of expertise anyway. It was always going to be a "semi-retirement". I think the prefix "semi" is important.
Then, there is the backlog of projects that need attention. I'll probably restart them after I get back from LHI.
- Installation of 60 foot self-supporting tower and beam antenna at the QTH
- Building a few "French" VDA (Vertical Dipole Array) antenna for a DX colleague.
- And, due to the up-coming DX'pedition opportunities, re-develop a streamlined "kit" for going on adventures. The LHI trip has identified a few areas to improve. But, in terms of equipment setup, I have a good list and worksheet to base the next trip.
- Establish the fund-raising needed for a DX'p every year. I think that at least every two years, and perhaps every year (depending on fund-raising), I will be trying to go on a DX'pedition. When I get back from LHI, I'll have a much better idea of how that should work.