Saturday, October 26, 2024

VK2/W7BRS QSL .. Now where?


The QSL Cards have arrived from the printer.

You can get a QSL card two ways:
  1. By the QSL Manager, M0URX   (Highly Recommended!)
  2. Or, with me directly,  (while supplies last!)  (You must send a SASE or $2 for international to QSL direct)
The cards turned out beautifully and I am glad for the hard work from Tim Beaumont (M0URX) and his team who made them.

At any rate -- I've been sending cards to local members of the Western Washington DX Club if asked.  If you need card, just say the word. (WWDXC members do not need to send SASE or postage)

What happens next?

The next DX'p has not yet been fully planned but I expect to return in the Pacific / Oceania within a year (2025).  The island has not yet been chosen.  Still working on the logistics.  

Gravel and Pebbles

I had to go to the doctor.  The doctor of DX'peditions. I had to explain a little bit of some pain I was feeling and it had to do with u...