Monday, January 27, 2025


"Stick with FT-8, Chuck. I don't think they had seals in mind when they configured the Iambic paddles."

I was fooling around with AI generated graphics.

I asked the AI to draw a picture of the basic scene of sleeping seals on the beach of a glacier covered island with a helicopter overhead.

Not exactly what I wanted, but pretty close.

The New Yorker Magazine has page in the back of the magazine where they put a cartoon and ask the readers to come up with a caption for the cartoon.

In that spirit, I wonder if any caption comes to mind? Let me know via email (I'm good in QRZ)

  • Any resemblance to a known seal, helicopter, island or DX'pedition is entirely coincidental.
  • I cannot guarantee that any caption will be used.
  • I cannot confirm or deny any detail related to the logistics.
  • Any inference of the logistics from this cartoon is pure speculation.

Gravel and Pebbles

I had to go to the doctor.  The doctor of DX'peditions. I had to explain a little bit of some pain I was feeling and it had to do with u...