Wednesday, March 15, 2023

It was Mr. CME in the Garden with the Antenna Switch!

That's what it was.  It was the CME that took out the Nothwest Ten Meter Net on Tuesday (UTC March 15, 2023)

At around the time Jim, K7NCG was responding to Al, KB7TBC on the NWTM CW Net, the CME shutdown the band -- sorta.  It washed Jim's normal S9+ signal down to S1.  It also had the effect of washing out his modulation.   What was a laser focused zero beatable signal became a mush.    I know Jim's rig is capable of amazing things, and delivering mush is not one of them.  Hi-hi.

That sort of explains the modulation of Jim's signal on my horizontally polarized antenna.   Now it has me wondering if I heard the extreme effect due to my long wire and the rest of your experience was limited because you had vertical polarization antennas.   

Anyway, something to puzzle over.   I really wish I had my audio recorder setup to capture it.  It was a perfect wash out of the band.

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