Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Mmm, love the smell of new Coax

The box on my doorstep contained a new spool of LMR-400-BG.  The Good Stuff.

LMR.  Let Me Receive ?!

UPDATE: 21-Jan-2023 -- So, despite all positive thinking and effort put into the order, the fabricator at DX Engineering put the wrong connectors on the cable.   I need to send it back and hope (?) they will remedy the situation by chopping off the wrong connector and re-attaching the correct one.  You would think for $300 worth of coax, this might get checked before being sent.  Apparently, not.  Not the first time DXE has nerfed up an order.  Strike 2.  Anyway... Shall we continue where we left off?

I will be re-stringing it to my Zero Five (tm)  43 foot multiband, non resonant vertical.

The game plan is:

  • Put up a tiny tower (20-25 feet) and mount the vertical on top of that, array the radials from the base plate of the antenna mount per documentation.   But overall -- get that antenna higher off the ground.
  • I'm having a heck of a time on 10m/12m/15m with my signal getting out.   I'm avoiding the amplifier at the moment because I need to test it more carefully (homebrew 2KW Linear AB2, a monster).
  • In the mean time, the LMR-400 is excellent stuff, a replacement of the Belden 9993 (?) that I used to run.  A bit tricky with solid core, got to be careful to keep radius of bends large and smooth.
  • After that, I need to build a 4:1 Current Balun. (Ferrite Toroid cores FT-140-77 ordered).. As well as some reading material on Balun/Unun/Feedlines:

120 L Bag

The bag arrived.  The 120L waterproof gear bag.  The bag that will hopefully not have to be carried by Zodiac from the Ship to the coast of ...