Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Pacific Coast Electronics

In the 50s/60s my grandfather owned a couple businesses on First Avenue, downtown Seattle (First and Univeristy).

One was the electronics store "Pacific Coast Electronics" and the other was "Pacific Coast Hardware" (old name was Sullivan Electric/Hardware).

They were located where the Harbor Steps are today.  I remember the wrecking ball that destroyed the old brick building where the Steps are now.

Today, the last remaining visible part of the building is the stone (granite?) wall with arches on the higher edge of the Steps.  Within the arches of the wall were colored glass with words like "Tubes" "Radios", and other things that were sold at the store.

Here is a copy of the article from the publication "The Northwest Electronic World" (February 1970)

Small Article that appeared with the cover.  John Wandling is my father.

At First and University (Across street from the Seattle Art Museum)

The Hardware store was up the street from the Electronics store and the last remaining part of the hardware store is the wall for the Lief Erikson Building.

VK2/W7BRS QSL .. Now where?

 VK2/W7BRS QSL The QSL Cards have arrived from the printer. You can get a QSL card two ways: By the QSL Manager,  M0URX    (Highly Recommend...