Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Pound the Brass


Back to CW

I can send CW fairly well.   17-20 WPM.  I can think the CW and send the CW that fast.  But I cannot copy the CW that fast.   If I hear it 17 WPM I get a bit bogged down.  I can understand the letters but my brain needs a bit more time to organize things before the next letter arrives.

I have read and been told that is why it is important to not focus on the invididual letters but to recognie the groups of letters.  The words.   That's good and that works, especially during the QSO, for the most part.  But there is still a need to copy the actual call sign.   It's a dilemma.   I do have a work-around though that will resolve the problem.

1.  Just work CW.   I found back in 2009-2011 when I forced myself to just work CW (as painful as it was when I was trying to copy), that I gained confidence to keep going.  I remember even getting in a heated debate with another ham about this very topic and we were having the debate in CW.  The irony police gave me a ticket.

2.  Listen and perform the job that the ARRL has provided -- the CW Practice Test and Qualifying Run.   Every day (mostly), the ARRL transmits practice text in different speeds.  Then, once per month the ARRL will transmit a qualifying run of text in CW.  If you can copy one minute worth, and vouch that you didn't cheat (use aids, etc..) then you can get another piece of paper for your shack wall.

So that is what I'm going to do.

120 L Bag

The bag arrived.  The 120L waterproof gear bag.  The bag that will hopefully not have to be carried by Zodiac from the Ship to the coast of ...